Getting Started


Install Helm v3 and install KubePlus using following command. KubePlus can be installed in any Namespace.

$ KUBEPLUS_NS=default (or any namespace in which you want to install KubePlus)
$ helm install kubeplus "" -n $KUBEPLUS_NS


  1. Try hello world service

  1. Try example outlined in Kubeplus Components section by following steps here.

  1. Other SaaS examples:

  1. Build your own SaaS:

    • Install Helm version 3.0+

    • Create Helm chart for your application stack and make it available at a publicly accessible URL

    • Follow steps similar to above examples

  2. Debug:

$ KUBEPLUS=`kubectl get pods -A | grep kubeplus | awk '{print $2}'`
$ KUBEPLUS_NS=`kubectl get pods -A | grep kubeplus | awk '{print $1}'`
$ kubectl logs $KUBEPLUS -n $KUBEPLUS_NS -c crd-hook
$ kubectl logs $KUBEPLUS -n $KUBEPLUS_NS -c helmer
$ kubectl logs $KUBEPLUS -n $KUBEPLUS_NS -c platform-operator
$ kubectl logs $KUBEPLUS -n $KUBEPLUS_NS -c webhook-cert-setup
$ kubectl logs $KUBEPLUS -n $KUBEPLUS_NS -c consumerui
$ kubectl get configmaps kubeplus-saas-provider-kubeconfig -n $KUBEPLUS_NS -o jsonpath="{.data.kubeplus-saas-provider\.json}" > provider-kubeconfig.json
$ kubectl get configmaps kubeplus-saas-consumer-kubeconfig -n $KUBEPLUS_NS -o jsonpath="{.data.kubeplus-saas-consumer\.json}" > consumer-kubeconfig.json
$ kubectl auth can-i --list --as=system:serviceaccount:$KUBEPLUS_NS:kubeplus-saas-provider
$ kubectl auth can-i --list --as=system:serviceaccount:$KUBEPLUS_NS:kubeplus-saas-consumer
  1. Cleanup:

$ wget
$ ./