Environment Variables

CaaStle application definition format:

Environment variables are defined in application yaml file under env section for single container applications.

An example of environment variable definition in application yaml is shown below:

    PASSWORD: $CLOUDARK_RDS_MasterUserPassword
    USER: $CLOUDARK_RDS_MasterUsername

Kubernetes format:

For multi-container applications environment variables can be defined in the standard approach in the respective yaml file of the target system (GKE or ECS).

An example of environment variable definition for Kubernetes pods is shown below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: greetings1
    name: greetings1
    - image: us.gcr.io/cloudark-test-gke/greetpod:1512924392448
      name: wordpress
      - containerPort: 5000
        - name: "PASSWORD"
          value: $CLOUDARK_CLOUDSQL_Password
        - name: "DB"
          value: $CLOUDARK_CLOUDSQL_DBName
        - name: "HOST"
          value: $CLOUDARK_CLOUDSQL_Address
        - name: "USER"
          value: $CLOUDARK_CLOUDSQL_Username

Environment variables are defined as key:value pairs.

An application is bound to managed services in the environment through the environment variables following 12-factor design principles.

The value of the parameter that needs to be bound to an attribute of the cloud resource in an environment is set as an interpolated variables. CaaStle defines following format for this purpose: $CLOUDARK_<TYPE>_<Attribute>. The TYPE is one of the supported resource types (represented in uppercase). Attribute is the exact name of one of the output attributes of the provisioned resource. All the output attributes available for a resource can be obtained by querying the resource using ‘cld resource show <env-name>’ command.

In the above example, by defining the value of the PASSWORD environment variable as a interpolated value of $CLOUDARK_RDS_MasterUserPassword, CaaStle will set the value of the PASSWORD to the MasterUserPassword of the RDS instance provisioned in the environment in which the application is deployed.

Mechanism of interpolated variables makes the application definition reusable across environments. For instance, suppose you have created two environments test and staging. When you deploy the application in test environment (using ‘cld app deploy myapp test app.yaml’), the value of PASSWORD will be set to the value of MasterUserPassword of the RDS instance in the test environment. On the other hand, if you deploy the application in staging environment (using ‘cld app deploy myapp staging app.yaml’), the value will be set as per the value of MasterUserPassword of the RDS instance in the staging environment.